Thursday, January 29, 2009

Recent Weeks

I am venturing out of my comfort zone to try entering this unknown world of blogging. I finally gave in to the questions "When are you going to start blogging?" My one concern was that I don't take that many pictures. I always forget to bring my camera. Bear with me. Recently we went shooting down in Sahuarita. We bought our own home protection security also known as a shotgun. It was great. We blew a couple things to smithereens. I (Liz) am back in school. I am still hopeing my credits will transfer, but I am done holding my breath. Starting next week I will be working at a near by elementary school doing tutoring for little tots. I am very excited. I need my kid fix untel we have one of my own. After going shooting this last Saturday we drove down to Parker Canyon Lake it's about an hour from our house. It is really pretty. Sorry no pictures. I will get better. I also recently started taking guitar lessons. I can't play anything great yet, but I am really enjoyng it. In our church calling we have both been moved around a bit. I am now second counceler in Young Womens over the Beehives there are 11 of them. Tyler is now teachers the ctr8 class with another man. He really likes it. The kids behave a lot better than the 9-10 year olds we were teaching. I hope you enjoyed our little recap of our lives. I'll let you know when the next exciting thing happens.