In February we went to the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof". Liz had a blast. Here is a picture that I feel captured the night pretty well.
When we first put the electric fence up, I preached to Liz that if I was going to put my dogs through getting shocked that I had to get shocked myself. So I went outside and put up a few feet of the fence. I hooked the wires up to the fence and plugged it in. I touched the fence with my arm, anticipating a little shock. Nothing, I could barely feel a tingle. Then I realized I had my shoes on and wasn't properly grounded, so I took off my shoes and socks so that I was properly grounded. I touched my arm to the fence again and let out a loud scream. I couldn't believe it! It hurt pretty bad and it was like the wire grabbed on to me. After that I looked over to see the neighbors all staring at me. They were outside having a barbecue friends over. Liz and I were so embarrassed all we could do was laugh. Then Liz touched it with the same reaction.
Below is a picture of our garden that we just finished today. It is 650 square feet of unadulterated gardening pleasure!
Our crops will include 3 types of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, watermelon, pumpkin, jalapenos, bell peppers and banana peppers. We also just bought a little black walnut tree that we are very proud of.
We've recently begun taking the dogs to the dog park which is a blast to watch. We were a little nervous to take them at first because they tend to play pretty rough with each other but they both had a lot of fun. Here is a picture of Reggie picking a fight with the wrong dog. This was just before Reggie got tossed on his back by this big fellow.
The rule of the dog park "Sniff or be sniffed".
This last week when I was out working on the farm, I found a little dog outside of our fence. Being the sucker that I am, I took the little fellow into my arms, named him Bobo, and made him part of the family for a few days, just until we found the owners. After posting various ads, we came to find out that the dog was a french bulldog and that they are worth a pretty penny ($800 - $1600). We even had one lady offer to buy him off of us. Fortunately/unfortunately we found the owners and had to say goodbye to little Bobo. He was a hilarious little buddy that snored like a rinosaurus.
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